Creative Wordshops Newsletter February 2021
Your life as a Movie
In Wally Lamb’s novel, Felix, a film scholar and lecturer, runs a Monday-night movie club in what was
once the Garde vaudeville theatre. Ghosts from the
theatre’s past appear. Lois Weber (1879-1939) a silent
film actress, screenwriter, producer and director gets
Felix to enter the screen to revisit his childhood in the
1950s and 1960s. Lamb writes:
“That’s what movies are, right? Thousands of still
pictures taken months or years or decades before—
streams of images burned onto celluloid that are
reeled in front of a lamp and projected onto a screen,
allowing us the illusion that they’re alive. Flickers of
light and dark. Brightness and shadow that won’t stand
still—like life itself.”
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