Creative Wordshops June 2023
Heartspace Publications, Australia invites you to the zoom launch: …’a biography and poetic travelogue; it is wisdom; it is esoteric; it is funny. Spirituality gets Dorian’s attention, as does nature, philosophy, psychology, animals, dreams…This innovative approach also serves as a creative writing manual, a sequelto his The Writer’s Voice -1998 – backblurb
RSVP Dorian 27 82 873 6802 for link Sun 4 June noon SA time Tel; +61
450260348 434 pages R395
Gratitude for Gravity and R for Research
One of the many illusions we live by is that earth and sea are layered in 3-
sky earth and underearth. Not a land and water ball whistle-whirling
through space. We seldom think of us as stuck sideways or upside down on
our planet or of the seas (apart for a touch of moon-tidal tug) stuck to the
revolving earth. Nothing falling into space. I think of the word gravitas and
grave and all the derivatives.
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